Thursday, May 12, 2011

A night at Versailles

Lots to report but not much time this morning -- we need to get going so we can give the Beemer museum its due justice.

We ended up renting a car because yours truly forgot the Bahn pass, and since we had a car (a not so quick VW Polo but what can I say, the price was right), we decided to take a detour and visit Onkel Ernst, Bob's great-uncle, who lives with his daughter Gerlinda in Friedrischalfen by Lake Constance.
It took about 2-1/2 hours from Stuttgart (more about picking up the rental later, all I can say is vielen danke, Lise and Herman!). On Tuesday evening Joachim from the hotel in Waldenbuch hunted high and low for a room for us in or near Munich for Wednesday night, and found that the reason there weren't any was because a big surgeons conference is taking place. Literally not a single room. So I called the international toll-free number and spoke with Tyler, right there in Grand Rapids, MI, who continued the hunt and found a room -- actually a suite of sorts -- in Augsburg, about an hour west of Munich. Our room was decorated in a sort of early Versailles mode. Time to get moving and head east, so this is it from me for now. 

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